Friday, June 11, 2010

Restaurant City Cheats // Unlimited Dishes

RC Unlimited Dishes - Download required files [ sharecash (reliable/surveys) | ziddu (ads) | xun6 (good/fast) ] // choose your preferred download link

Required Tools [Download these tools | Tool's Tutorial ]:

  • Fiddler2
  • Firefox/Chrome/IE
This cheat allows you to serve more dishes than the limit that was given to you. Now you can show off all the dishes that you have painstakingly maxed out.

Credits: Frogs RCaddict *ribbit*

  1. Open Fiddler
  2. Go to the Autoresponder tab and tick both 'Enable automatic..' and 'Permit passthrough..'
  3. Click on 'Add...'
  4. In the left side of the Rule Editor, you will have this regular expression
  5. Click on the [▼] button, select 'Find A file' and select the file you have just downloaded.
  6. Your rule editor should now look like this.

  7. Clear Browser cache and enter Restaurant City [play]
  8. You should now be able to select as many dishes as you want. I am sure you have max out many dishes with our previous ingredient cheats. Have Fun..!

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