Tools (Download):
- Fiddler2
- IE, Chrome
- Adobe Air Runtime Sendspace
- nofil2000 Hasher & Binary Reader Sendspace | Mediafire
- A list with all the items can be found here
- Install Adobe Air Runtime
- Install nofil2000 BinarReader --> this tool will let you read Pet Society databae (database.dat)
- Install nofil2000 Hasher
- Run the Hasher and type the name of the CC item you want to Cook and click hash to get the CC item hash
- Open recipes_hashed.xml in notepade you will see something like this producthash="XXXXXXXXX"
- Replace XXXXXXXXX by the item hash code
- Save recipes_hashed.xml
- Open Fiddler and drag the recipes_hashed.xml into fiddler autoresponder to replace the recipes_hashed.xml
- Clear the Cache and make sure the browser is forced to use Fiddler
- Load Pet Society
- Cook Your Item and wait 10 mints --> Then Take it Hot from the oven and enjoy
so simple the cheat of cc item yes thank you nofil2000 thank you!!