Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pet Society - Vacation Individual Items

Credits : oldx3
Tools (Download):
  1. As usual, download above file.
  2. Replace shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
  3. Go to Furniture Shop and purchase any Vacation Individual Items. Enjoy!

Pet Society - New Mysterious Items + Coins Cheat

Credits : Arjay243
Tools (Download):

  1. As usual, download above file.
  2. Replace database.dat & shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
  3. Go to Furniture Shop and buy the New Mysterious Items. Enjoy!
    (Note : For coins cheat remember to sell the Pink Elegant Throne without using Fiddler)

Pet Society - New Homegrowns + New Mysterious Items + Coins Cheat

Credits : oldx3
Tools (Download):

  1. As usual, download above file.
  2. Replace database.dat & shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
  3. Go to Furniture Shop and buy the New Homegrowns & New Mysterious Items. Enjoy!
    (Note : For coins cheat remember to sell the Pink Elegant Throne without using Fiddler)

Pet Society - New Food Items

Credits : Arjay243
Tools (Download):

  1. As usual, download above file.
  2. Replace shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
  3. Go to Furniture Shop and New Food Items. Enjoy!

Nightclub City - Items Cheats

Tools : Download

  1. Go to Nightclub city. [click to play]
  2. As an example, buy 4 tablebars,place it inside your inventory.
  3. In cheatengine, scan '4' in 4bytes. Now you'll see a couple of addresses.
  4. Now place 1 bar back in your club. Now there's 3 bars.
  5. Go back to cheat engine and scan '3' in 4bytes.
  6. If there's still couple of addresses,put 1 tablebar back in your club. Now you have '2' tablebars left in your inventory.
  7. Go back to cheat engine and scan '2'. (This time,im sure 1 address will be left, else repeat till only 1 left!)
  8. Double click on the address and edit the value of the address to 99.
  9. Remove the last tablebar and you'll notice that you have 99 tablebars now.
  10. Sell all the bars until there's only 1 left.
  11. Then go back to cheatengine and edit the value again to 99. And sell it again if you want cash.

    You can do this in any items you want.


Pet Society - Vacation Packages

Credits : Arjay243
Tools (Download):

  1. As usual, download above file.
  2. Replace shopFurniture2108.dat with fiddler.
  3. Go to Furniture Shop and purchase any Vacation Packages. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ninja Saga - Quest + Boss Cheat

Credits: Dargon412@fREE2SW4U
Tools: (Download)
  1. Open Fiddler.
  2. Go to autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  3. Click ADD.
  4. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*data_library_en\.swf$
  5. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  6. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(All-Quest-Lv1)-data_library_en.swf'
  7. Click ADD.
  8. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*code_library\.swf$
  9. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  10. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Random-With-Boss)-code_library.swf' Click Save.
  11. Click ADD.
  12. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to regex:(?insx)^.*hunting_house\.swf$
  13. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  14. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select '(Enabled)-hunting_house.swf' Click Save.
  15. Very Important or it will not work. Clear Browser Cache. Read the Fiddler tutorial to see how to clear cache. [Fiddler Tutorial]
  16. Reload NS and now you should see that all emblem missions, lvl 1 can fight bosses, practice mode is all bosses. Low levels may NOT be able to see the bosses in Hunting Houses, so just to to Battle>Practice to level up
    Have fun leveling.
One Hit kill cheat (use this cheat to kill bosses for leveling)
Tools: (Download)

  1. Open a fight with friends, hunting horse or mission. don't click attack/skill
  2. Open Cheat Engine 5.X,
  3. Process firefox.exe(Browser.exe)
  4. Setting tick 'array of bytes' and 'select Also scan read-only memory(ASROM)'
  5. Scan '89065E5BC208003B7B54'
  6. Right click on adress then select Dissasemble
  7. Right click the selected code then select 'Toggle breakpoint'
  8. Go back in Ninja Saga and then hit your enemy, (The browser will freeze)
  9. Go again to CE. And click debug > run 2TIMES
  10. At the right side is the Register panel. Double click the EAX and change the value to "0"
  11. Now right click the Selected Line code and select "Toggle Break Point" > "Debug" > "Run" (to unfreeze the game)
  12. Now your enemy is dead (-;
  13. Repeat these Steps when you in Battle, Have Fun!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Restaurant City Under the Sea - CC Items

這次 Under the Sea 主題一共有 6 種 CC 物品,而正常下只會在 27 May 2010 才可購買!
使用與否請自行決定,因為「藍色壽司檯」再次被官方調回 HackIcon!

6 種 CC 物品分別為
Decoration → 4CC-Jellyfish Lamps
Functional → 15CC-Poseidon Statue.20CC-Coral Garden
Kitchen → 20CC-Underwater Volcano Stove
Wallpaper → 7CC-Moving Deep Sea Wallpaper

Wall Decoration → 4CC-Exterior Jellyfish Lamps

另外 Crab 編號為 4000070 有需要的請自便:)
Restaurant City Collaborative Gifts Generator (無限取得禮物)

建議使用 Chrome 瀏覽器.官方載點 (如果你用Chrome不能用,請嘗試其他瀏覽器)
Fiddler Web Debugger (Fiddler2).載點一載點一載點二載點三

1. 前提是你需要有 Food Quiz(最好有大量)*取得方法是每日登入遊戲一次就有一個 Food Quiz
2. 清除 Chrome 瀏覽器「快取」再執行「Fiddler2」
3. 複製這字串 regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$
4. 回到「Fiddler2」在右邊點按「AutoResponder」分頁,勾選「Enable automatic responses」及「Permit passthrought for unmatched requests」再按「Add」
5. 之後在下方「Rule Editor」欄位貼上
6. 在「Save」左邊按一下「▼」這個下拉選單,點「Find a file...」
7. 解壓剛剛下載回來的檔案,點選內裡的 quiz.bin 按「Save」
8. 再複製這字串 regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$
9. 在「Fiddler2」在右邊再按「Add」→「Rule Editor」欄位貼上
10. 再點「Find a file...」回上一頁打開資料夾選擇你需要的 CC 物品
11. 進入遊戲 * 請確定已清除快取
12. 點按「郵件」圖示點選 Food Quiz,現在你可以亂答也會對,「圖」是「Basil」是正常
13. 記錄後,回到「Fiddler2」取消勾選剛才新增的兩列字串
14. 重入遊戲,你就會取得剛才所選的 CC 物品!Enjoy!
15. 如需要再選第二種 CC 物品,你必須要掛另一個「CC 檔」
16. 如需要所有「CC 檔」請瀏覽 → Restaurant City Nothing is impossible - CC Items
16. 如需要觀看影片「參考」請瀏覽 → Restaurant City Food Quiz Ingredients (亂答也對+自選食材)

Credits: fREE2SW4U

建議在小提琴(Fiddler)Tool>Fiddle Options>General:取消下列文字勾勾
「show a message when HTTP protocol viloations encountered」

如要刪除「AutoResponder」分頁內的字串,請點選再按鍵盤上的 Delete
如果之後網路有問題,請取消瀏覽器的 Proxy 設定

【Chrome 瀏覽器】官方載點 (如果你用Chrome不能用,請嘗試其他瀏覽器)
【Fiddler Web Debugger (Fiddler2)】載點一


Treetopia - EXP + Coins cheat

Credits: pwnthis
Tools (Download):
  • Charles Web Debugging
  • Firefox
  1. Go into Treetopia [click to play]
  2. Open Charles. Make sure it is recording.
  3. Click Collect on the Ash Tree Fire Pit to get coins and exp.
  4. Look in Charles, you will see the line ""
  5. Expand it > expand tree/ > expand amfgw/ and you will see " (tree_api.validateCall,tree_api.collectResources)
  6. Right click > Repeat advance
  7. 5000 iterations 10 concurrency. Wait till all actions are carried out and refresh game. You will see your new coins and level. You can do the same for stone and wood.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Restaurant City - All Ingredient Cash Items Cheat

Credits: fREE2SW4U
Tools (Download):

  1. You must have food quiz.
  2. Clear your browser cache.
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add'
  5. Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*quiz\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
  6. Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
  7. Select "quiz.bin" that you just downloaded then click save.
  8. Under Autoresponder tab click 'Add' again
  9. Copy "regex:(?insx)^.*ingredient\.bin$" and paste into 'Rule Editor'
  10. Beside Save button click "▼" then click 'find a file'.
  11. Select any ingredients bin file that you just downloaded then click save.
  12. Now you can start you retaurant city and get your ingredients from Food Quiz.
  13. The Cash Items will appear after you reload the game. Enjoy!
  14. W@TcH Th3 St3P T0 L3@rN

Restaurant City - New Cash Items Cheat

Credits: Pwnthis
Tools (Download):


  1. You must have food quiz.
  2. Clear your browser cache.
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Drag 'quiz.bin' and any cash item 'ingredient.bin' into Fiddler Autoresponder
  5. Now you can start you retaurant city and get your cash item ingredients from Food Quiz.
  6. The Cash Items will appear after you reload the game. Enjoy!
  7. WaTcH Th3 St3P To L3@rN

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

without download nofil200 PS item hasher V0.1

Pet Society - Cooked To Get Your Cash Items by nofil2000

Credits : nofil2000
Tools (Download):

  1. Install Adobe Air Runtime
  2. Install nofil2000 BinarReader --> this tool will let you read Pet Society databae (database.dat)
  3. Install nofil2000 Hasher
  4. Run the Hasher and type the name of the CC item you want to Cook and click hash to get the CC item hash
  5. Open recipes_hashed.xml in notepade you will see something like this producthash="XXXXXXXXX"
  6. Replace XXXXXXXXX by the item hash code
  7. Save recipes_hashed.xml
  8. Open Fiddler and drag the recipes_hashed.xml into fiddler autoresponder to replace the recipes_hashed.xml
  9. Clear the Cache and make sure the browser is forced to use Fiddler
  10. Load Pet Society

  11. Cook Your Item and wait 10 mints --> Then Take it Hot from the oven and enjoy


Friday, May 14, 2010

Pet Society - New Items

Credits : JT

Tools (Download):


  1. Clear browser cache.
  2. Download above shopMarket2106.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the shopMarket2106.dat
  3. Go into Pet Society and enjoy shopping!

Pet Society - Homegrown Items

Credits : Criisz

Tools (Download):

  1. Clear browser cache.
  2. Download above ShopMystery2106.dat & database.dat and drag into fiddler autoresponder to replace the ShopMystery2106.dat & database.dat.
  3. Go into Pet Society and enjoy shopping!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Restaurant City - 3 Clicks 550,000 Coins Cheat


Steps: (You must have at least 1 Cash Coin)

  1. Clear your browser cache
  2. Open fiddler and drag the "restaurant.bin" into autoresponder.
  3. Go into Restaurant City.
  4. Click "add coins" to get your 550,000 for free. (your cash coin will NOT be deducted)

Playfish - GEO Challenge Cheat

Credits : oldx3

  1. Download above bin files
  2. Clear your browser cache
  3. Open fiddler and drag all the "xxxxx.bin" into autoresponder.
  4. Go into GEO Challenge - > World Tour.
  5. Watch the video for game details.
*** for "Map Mayhem" if more then 1 answer just pick the 1st answer.