Friday, April 30, 2010

Pet Society - 49 Days Battery Database

Credits: freiya

Tools (Download):
If you don't know how to use the database please visit Here
You must have battery in your inventory before you using this database.dat. Have fun!

Pet Society - Next Week (3-5-2010) Cash Items Hack

Credits: ccat1130

Tools (Download):
If you don't know how to use the database please visit Here
The Cash items, use secondary account to send as gift to primary as usual. Have fun!

Restaurant City - Coins,Ingredients,Cash Items and Recipe Hack (1-5-2010)

Credits : Mabel,Daniel,fREE2SW4U,oldx3
  • Fiddler
  • Flash 10
  • IE and Chrome
  • Restaurant.bin (cash items,ingredients,coins)
    Avatar.bin (cash items)
    Front.bin (cash items)
    Recipe.bin (invisible food)

Restaurant City - Cash Items & Ingredients Hack (30-4-2010)

Credits : Mabel、Daniel、fREE2SW4U

Steps: (You must have at least 1 Cash Coin)
  1. Clear your browser cache
  2. Open fiddler and drag the "restaurant.bin" into autoresponder.
  3. Go into Restaurant City.
  4. Goto Chair buy all the ingredients. (The price is 1 Cash Coin but it will not deduct from ur account)
  5. Do not keep the ingredients by using "Clear Room", you must drag 1 by 1 to keep it.
  6. Do not buy ingredients and cash items at the same time. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Restaurant City - Coins Hack Improved Version (29-4-2010)

Steps for Coins Hack:
  1. Clear your browser cache
  2. Open fiddler and drag the "restaurant.bin" into autoresponder.
  3. Go into Restaurant City.
  4. Sell any Table and FloorTile for 183,333 conis per unit. Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Restaurant City - Avatar Colour & Avatar Cash Items

Credits : fREE2SW4U


  1. Download above Bin Files
  2. Open fiddler. Clear browser cache.
  3. Drag the "avatar.Bin" into Fiddler Autoresponder (no need to find the URL)
  4. Go into Restaurant City.
  5. Now you can buy the avatar cash items (can save) and have fun with the color (cannot save).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Restaurant City - All Ingredients for Free by Daniel

Credits : Daniel@cbox-fREE2SW4U
Steps for Cash Items:
  1. Download above Bin Files
  2. Open fiddler. Clear browser cache.
  3. Drag the "Bin Files" into Fiddler Autoresponder (no need to find the URL)
  4. Go into Restaurant City.
  5. You can get the free ingredients at Functional.
  6. Drag all the ingredients that you want into the room
  7. Keep all ingredients into your inventory. ( Don't use "Remove all Items" function) Only by dragging it 1 by 1 into the inventory will the ingredients be saved after refresh.
  8. Save gave and close Fiddler.
  9. Go into Restaurant City without using Fiddler.
  10. All the ingredients you keep just now will display in your ingredients inventory now. Do NOT sell any thing when you using fiddler.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Restaurant City - (Free) 0 Coin Cash Items Hack (25-4-2010)


  • Fiddler
  • Flash 10
  • Firefox, IE and Chrome
  • Bin Files Download
Not enough coins to buy all cash items? No problem, here is free cash items for you all.
If you want all items become 0 coin, you can edit my bin files to buy all items (including non-cash items)with 0 coin. Just change the [cost="xxxx" to cost="0"] and [hash="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" to hash="2bEGSTiVvGWoa.9HzpZ8PG"] for all items.

Steps : Visit here

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Restaurant City // Coin Cheat


Click here to enter the most awesome site on the Internet

Click to Be a FAN and get the latest cheats around the world!

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I believe this cheat is by FREE2SW4U and not by that other site. So for those of you who kept linking to that other site, stop it. It's free2sw4u who should have the credit of this cheat.

This is the original video by free2sw4u [video link]

And yes, it is pretty easy to do. I do have a video too... but it's more or less the same as the 2 videos out there at the moment.. So i will just show you my screenshot of it :p I was too lazy to make until 50million.. so the image only shows 10million =D And yes, saved and refreshed and the coins are still there.

And I don't think anyone has released the steps to it... So I will not be the first :p Watch the video and figure it out. It's not that difficult. Coz nobody told me the cheat, I had to figure it out with the video, so why should it be any different from you? Don't always expect to be spoon-fed please. You need to give your brain a work out too.

And of coz, chatting with fellow cheaters on the chatbox >> will help as there will be more heads/brains racking over it. I'm not preventing any discussion on the CHATBOX.

And yes, my method can cheat the CC items too.


  • Fiddler
  • Flash 10
  • Firefox, IE and Chrome
  • Bin Files Download
Steps for Coins Hack:
  1. Go into Restaurant City. (don't use fiddler yet)
  2. Buy Oak Table (as many as you can - maximum = 1944 tables)
  3. Save
  4. Clear your browser cache
  5. Open fiddler and drag the bin files into autoresponder.
  6. Go into Restaurant City.
  7. Sell Oak Table for 166,666 conis per table (1944 X 166666 = 323,998,704 Coins) Enjoy!

Restaurant City - Free Cash Items Hack (25-4-2010)

Credits : Arjay243

Steps for Coins Hack:
  1. Go into Restaurant City. (don't use fiddler yet)
  2. Buy Oak Table (as many as you can - maximum = 1944 tables)
  3. Save
  4. Clear your browser cache
  5. Open fiddler and drag the bin files into autoresponder.
  6. Go into Restaurant City.
  7. Sell Oak Table for 166,666 conis per table (1944 X 166666 = 323,998,704 Coins) Enjoy!
Steps for Cash Items:
  1. Download above Bin Files
  2. Open fiddler. Clear browser cache.
  3. Drag the "Bin Files" into Fiddler Autoresponder (no need to find the URL)
  4. Go into Restaurant City.
  5. You can buy the Cash Items with Coins Now. Enjoy!!
For ingredients Hack you can edit the "ingredient.bin" to get whatever you want.
All playfish games cash items hack are using same method. If you know how to edit the Pet Society database then you should be able to hack all PF cash item , coins and level.
(Including : Hotel City, Gangster City, Country Story, Pet Society, Poker Rivals, Crazy Planets, Geo Challenge, Word Challenge, Bowling Buddies, Who Has The Biggest Brain? )



Hotel City - All Cash Items Hack (25-4-2010)

  • Fiddler
  • Flash 10
  • Firefox, IE and Chrome
  • XML Files Download
  1. Download above XML Files
  2. Open fiddler. Clear browser cache.
  3. Drag the "XML Files" into Fiddler Autoresponder (no need to find the URL)
  4. Go into Hotel City.
  5. You can buy the Cash Items with Coins Now. Enjoy!!
All playfish games cash items hack are using same method. If you know how to edit the Pet Society database then you should be able to hack all PF cash item , coins and level.
(Including : Restaurant City, Gangster City, Country Story, Pet Society, Poker Rivals, Crazy Planets, Geo Challenge, Word Challenge, Bowling Buddies, Who Has The Biggest Brain? )

NightClub City | Coins & EXP

  • cheat engine
  • firefox
  • Flash 10
  1. Click to play Nightclub party [link]
  2. Earn some exp and coins
  3. Open cheat engine and select browser in process list
  4. Change value to Array of Bytes, Tick Also scan read-only mem, Tick Hex
  5. Scan "89818C0000008B41" 1 address returned
  6. Right click and Disassemble mem region
  7. Right click selected line and select 'Toggle Breakpoint'
  8. After a while, the game and browser and probably this page will freeze. So open the steps in another browser.
  9. Change the value of both ESI and EDX to '99999999' (located in top right corner, red memory region)
  10. Right click the selected line again (step 7) and select Toggle Breakpoint
  11. Click Debug > Play and the browser,game will unfreeze
  12. You will now be level 35 and extremely rich. Have fun.
Tested & Working as at 19/4/2010

Additional Coin cheat:
  1. Do the basic scan of current coins at 4bytes.
  2. Then earn some coins and next scan new value
  3. Till one address remains.
  4. Change the value to any amount. Saves and Refreshable

You might also like:

Hotel City | New Items 22/4/2010

By entering this site and reading this post, you are agreeing to our disclaimer. (Arjay243)

Below are the new items that were added after the MT on 22nd, April, 2010

Pet Society | Mystery Box Items 23/4/2010

By entering this site and reading this post, you are agreeing to our disclaimer. (Arjay243)

Here are the items released today! Letter Cubes, Pink Fairy Dress and Brown Teddy Plushie!

Pet Society | Sneak-Peak Items 23/4/2010

By entering this site and reading this post, you are agreeing to our disclaimer. (Arjay243)

Pet Society | Cash+MB Next Week

By entering this site and reading this post, you are agreeing to our disclaimer. (Arjay243)


Do NOT buy Tinker Bell wings as that causes the mayor. The rest of the items work great.
The MB items, just purchase as normal.
The Cash items, use secondary account to send as gift to primary as usual. Have fun!

Just find any database post (THE MORE RECENT THE BETTER!) and copy the steps except use the database you downloaded above

Pet Society - Buy Non Playable Characters (NPC) Clothes

Credits: ccat1130

Tools (Download):

Try at your own risk. Don't Send to your real account.
To send please use database-send as gift.dat & shopclothes2103.dat
To receive and wear NPC Clothes use database-receive and use.dat
Don't send NPC face features, some items will cause an error message.

Steps for send:
  1. Log into your Secondary Account.
  2. Download the files above.
  3. Open Fiddler
  4. Go into Pet Society. Once loaded, find for this line in Fiddler.

  5. Right click them > Copy URL and go to Autoresponder and click 'Add'.


  6. Now replace the database.dat with the database-send as gift.dat that you just downloaded. Click SAVE
    (Click on the drop down arrow button beside the 'Save'. Select 'Go To File' and browse to the place where you downloaded the file to.)

  7. Find for this line in Fiddler.

  8. Right click them > Copy URL and go to Autoresponder and click 'Add'.


  9. Now replace the database.dat with the shopClothes2103.dat that you just downloaded. Click SAVE.
    (Click on the drop down arrow button beside the 'Save'. Select 'Go To File' and browse to the place where you downloaded the file to.)

  10. Clear cache for your browser.
  11. Go into Pet Society.
  12. Go into the ShopClothes > Boys. Click on them and you should see it costing only 50 NORMAL coins. Click SEND AS GIFT! Important!
  13. Select your Primary Account to send it.

Steps for receive & wear:
  1. Change database-send as gift.dat with database-receive and use.dat
  2. Log into your Primary Account.
  3. Go into Pet Society
  4. Receive and open the gifts
  5. Wear the NPC clothes . Have fun.
Note : NPC clothes can be save only you wear it or keep it in the room. You may be banned by playfish if you wear NPC clothes and save it. Try at your own risk.

Pet Society - Plant Eco Trees In Your Room

Credits : nofil2000
Tools (Download):

Apple = Tree hole

  1. Don't use fiddler first, buy some Apples.
  2. Goto any room that you want to plant eco trees.
  3. Drag the Apples into the room.
  4. Save game.
  5. Clear you browser cache.
  6. Use fiddler to load the database
  7. Buy tree seed
  8. Goto the room
  9. plant you tree.

Related Posts :

dat files

Pet Society - Plant Eco Trees In Your Room

Credits : nofil2000
Tools (Download):

Apple = Tree hole

  1. Don't use fiddler first, buy some Apples.
  2. Goto any room that you want to plant eco trees.
  3. Drag the Apples into the room.
  4. Save game.
  5. Clear you browser cache.
  6. Use fiddler to load the database
  7. Buy tree seed
  8. Goto the room
  9. plant you tree.

Related Posts :

dat files

Farmville - New Gift packs

Credits: niko0o
Login your Facebook account first.
Click on the below link to claim 3 Farmville cash, 1 white goat, 1 unwithered, 1 tank of gas.

Related Posts :

Facebook Game Cheat

Additional NIS items….

More and more NIS
Download Ziddu | 2shared

NIS and Plushies Db includes:

Monster Couch
Luscious Lips Lounger
Admiral’s Jacket
Ceremonial Robe
Ruby Red Sink
Ruby Red Jacuzzi
Black Jacuzzi
Ugly Sock Monkey
Leprechaun Doll
Pot O’ Gold
Bulldog Doll
Monster Doll
Dragon Doll
Valentine’s Teddy
Cupid Pet Doll
Pink Microwave
White Luxury Hi-Fi
Guitarra Portuguesa
Red Electric Guitar
Inca Panpipes
Yellow Dining Chair
Oriental Long Bench
Black Cyclops Couch
Bubblegum Pink Lip Couch
Princess Swing Seat
Classic Red JukeBox
Wonderland Flower Decor
Wonderland Rose Decor
Wonderland Shelf
Champion Trophy Case
Blue Wall Shelf
Ferocious Fly Trap
Yellow Princess Dress
Pink Princess Dress
Festive Party Dress
Ruby Space Dress
Princess Space Dress
Pink Dress With White Jacket
Lucky Green Dress
Cool Short Jacket
Daffodil Dress
Pink Jalisco Dress
Pink Bohemian Top
Bluebell Dress
Deluxe Feather Headdress
Leafy Green Shades
Age Disguise
Funny Nose Disguise
Love Heart Shades
Robot Visor
Bird Half Mask
Deluxe Feather Half Mask
by fbhaxor

Download from Ziddu | 2shared | zShare | rapidshare | MediaFire

and extra Halloween items: download from Ziddu | zSHare

You asked and we deliver :D
here are more nis and more items for you as you asked
Black Cyclops Couch
Age Disguise
Love Heart Shades
Red Heart Cushion
Funny Nose Disguise
Astronaut Helmet
afro wig
bunches wig
Bunny Wreath
Grandiose grandfather clock
Wonderland Floor
Wonderland Rabbit
Wonderland Shelf
Wonderland Rose Decor
Wonderland Sign
Wonderland Lake
Wonderland Tunic
Wonderland Wallpaper
Merpet Statue
mermaid wigs,
ugly sock monkey
dragon doll
Uluru Rock
Golden Royal Chandelier
(Blue) Royal Chandelier

to download ziddu | zShare

want more leave it in your comment;)

More NIS :) here’s what you asked for in comments!!!!!!!
if there is any item missing or you want more don’t hesitate to leave it in your comment!
Download: 2shared | ziddu
the above zipped folder contains:
Newcomer Dress
Elegant Gown
Hot Pink Mobile
Dragon Boat Bench
Santa Throne
Princess Swing Seat
Ice Throne

see you in the next batch ;)

Note: go to Glow in Dark Tab to see the above listed items!

Well based on Spyke’s db and based on requests in comments I have modified the database

in addition to mystery shop and cash shop now food shop contains some NIS items
these items are:

  • Luscious Lips Lounger
  • Bubblegum Pink Lip Couch
  • Deluxe Feather Headdress
  • Deluxe Feather Half Mask
  • Bird Half Mask
  • Immortal Bat Wings
  • Inca Panpipes
  • Pets Movie Poster

Create working MysteryShop by yourself in no time!

Update: Because of maintenance and something to change, the new version ShopCreator 1.1 has been released.

Databases ready to be used are in the next post!

Ok people, i see there a lot of people asking for any kind of item and i guess that is making khaled become crazy :D
So i wanna offer you this little consolle application that will create the ShopMystery with all the items you want. You will need the CS Decompressor by JT to recompress them to .dat files, that program is already included within the archive.
You can choose any item you want. Dont worry about dangerous items, they wont be added to your Shop! This is really simple to use and you dont need to know xml or open any database!

You can download ShopCreator 1.1 from Megaupload

Here are the steps to create your shop!

- Download the archive from the link above
- Extract all the files into the same directory
- Modify the ‘items.txt’ file, adding the items you wanna have in your shop (there is a file with all the items inside the archive)
- Run ShopCreator.exe
- You will find a new file called ShopMystery2103.xml
- Compress that file using ‘CS Decompressor by JT’
- Add the ‘SpykeDatabase.dat’ and the new ‘ShopMystery2103.xml.dat’ in the Autoresponder rules of Fiddler
- Clear cache & restart PS & Enjoy!

Within the archive, there is a file you can read for a better explanation :)

Give your opinion with a comment! ;)
Credits to Spyke (and JT for his tool)